‘Hanging Gardens In Glacial Apocha’ by The Immortal Samsara Travelers (UTECH Records)

Belgian+American debut dronemetal album gets international attention.

Last week, The Immortal Samsara Travelers released their debut album on renowned American UTECH Records. Since then, multiple media outlets gave the album a review, interview or well-deserved media attention.

One of Belgium’s biggest blogs, Luminous Dash, called the album a must-have for drone lovers. Even the biggest newspaper in Flanders (HLN), the most spread Belgian newspaper (METRO) and the benchmark for quality written press (De Standaard) all will mention the album in various kind of ways in the coming weeks.

The album also got selected by diverse other blogs, such as WEEDIAN, Weirdo Shrine, AM News, Progspace,…

The album is now available and streamable via www.theimmortalsamsaratravelers.com